Monday, December 5, 2011

Statistical & Geographical Information

Lake Victoria is Africa's largest lake and the second largest freshwater lake in the world, only to be surpassed by Lake Superior in the North America.  As you can see in the maps the lake occupies land in three countries, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.  This lake plays an essential role in the lives of the people living near by.  The majority of these people are Bantu speakers, totaling several million within the 50 miles surrounding the lake.  Before we continue our journey into discovering more about Lake Victoria I wanted to provide you with some important statistics, they are listed below.

Area and Location
Location:  Africa
Countries:  Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda
Coordinates:  1°S 33°E
Primary Inflow:  Kagera River
Primary Outflow:  White Nile (AKA Victoria Nile)
Elevation:  3,717 feet

Surface Area:  26,600 square miles
Volume:  2.2 billion acre-feet of water
Maximum Length:  209 miles
Maximum Width:  160 miles
Average Depth:  130 feet
Maximum Depth: 272 feet

All information retrieved from:, &

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